The best moment to go the Piermont Grand EC
If comfort is among the points you consider before rending holiday accommodation for your family, the Piermont Grand EC is a choice you ought to make. It is within the distance of Sumang Walk located around numerous amenities which includes restaurants, treatment centers, and shaw Cinema, a number of shops along with children enrichment classes. All these are amongst the things that produced the condo the talk of the town in the complete area. The Punggol River Point is a best place for your grocery store purchases and a lot more. With these things, you are positive of enjoying the greatest level of convenience you at any time need for your family members.

Things to take into account before going for Piermont Grand
Do you want to experience the highest level of entertainment in your residence? You should think about taking the possibility of the available area in the Piermont Grand condo. This is the condo with all the things you require to experience enjoyment in a special and incredible manner. Among the factors that created it best for all contain:
• Easily accessible from the city center
• Within the proximity of Punggol MRT in the Sumang Stroll EC
• A great mix of community features university and business park.
Consider experiencing easy transportation by walking straight down to the MRT Stations circular. The Punggol North MRT stop coming up in the future is among the desires you stand to enjoy here.
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