Monday, September 24, 2018

Liquid mercury – Some facts to know regarding it

Some of the facts you should know before you deal with liquid mercury suppliers include:
1.       Mercury is the only metal that comes in a liquid form at normal temperature and pressure.
2.       It is true that mercury is very toxic. It has, however, been considered highly therapeutic all through history.
3.       Mercury is very rare in the Earth’s crust. It accounts for just 0.08ppm which is parts per million.
4.       Mercury is not welcomed on an aircraft because it easily combines with aluminum and it is commonly found on aircrafts. When mercury forms amalgam with aluminum, its oxide layers that safeguard aluminum from oxidization is tampered with. This leads to corrosion of aluminum just as iron rusts.
5.       Mercury doesn’t react easily with many acids.
6.       The current element symbol for mercury is Hg.

Click here to know more about #LiquidMercurySuppliers.